
Student Corner

“A wrong concept about people”

Written by: Deelisha Maharjan - 2022006, Grade X

Posted on: 06 April, 2021

There is a wrong concept going in our society in the case of our studies. People think the students studying science or who chose to study science are really good and on the other hand, studying management or arts and choosing to study it is considered as not good. Why do people have a misconception about this?

Firstly, I agree we students can enter in any field with the help of studying science in +2. But most of the students study science not because they want to but they are forced to and in the opinion of what society thinks of them. When people ask what you are studying and if they get a reply they are studying management or arts their face turns different and they start to criticize them why? Why not take science? But no one asks why they are studying management or arts. Maybe they had an interest in studying management or arts. All parents want their children to be happy but they snatch their freedom by forcing them to do things they don’t like. If every parent wants their child to be happy then let your child make a decision on what they want to study and what they want to do. And for every child, learn to speak up about your aim about anything and everything and share them with your parents so they would know. And for every child, knowing how to do arts and loving doing arts are completely different things. Learn to make a decision on what you love doing and what you know. For those who like to study science is different than those who are forced by family to study them just for them. Let your child do as they please, given that it is about their life choices and it is correct. In the long run, the child will be happy, and which parent doesn’t want a happy child?

Studying management and arts is not bad, it's just how we people take that topic and how we react to it. If every parent wants their child to be happy then you need to know what they want and you should be happy for them for what things they love to do. Support them in their decisions so every time they will feel blessed to have a supportive family beside them.

‘If you want your child to improve, then let them overhear the nice things you say about them to others.’- Haim Ginott