
Student Corner

If you had your own country, what will you call it?

Written by: Sauravi Thapa - 2028034, Grade IV

Posted on: 06 April, 2021

The country is formed by many people living there. There are many countries in the world. The country unites peoples. Sometimes I dream of having my own country. If I had my own country, I will name it Himland. I thought of this name as in our country Nepal, there are lots of mountains.  Himalayan regions are one of the pride of Nepal as it has the tallest and the most beautiful mountains of the world in our beautiful country Nepal or Himland. Nepal is known as the country of mountains throughout the world. These mountains are the mark of my beautiful country, ‘Himland’. I would also put a very trustable person in the right place who will do progressive work for my country and stop corruption. If I don’t find one, I will be the one, leading as an example and try my best to do the right thing for my country. I will then make Himland a developed country.