
Student Corner


Written by: Rohan Upreti - 2022016, Grade X

Posted on: 28 March, 2021

Perseverance is a rover designed to explore the Jezero crater on Mars. As we all know we human beings are looking for lives outside the earth and many astronauts and scientists are trying hard. On Mars, we can have some hope of life. So, Nasa is sending a rover there for exploration. All together NASA has sent 5 rovers to mars. The name of the rovers is Sojourner, Spirit and Opportunity, Curiosity, and Perseverance.

Perseverance will land on Mars on 18 February 2021. The nickname of perseverance is Percy. The length of the rover is 2 meters, height is 2.2 meters, diameter is 2.7 meters. The main objective of this rover is to look for habitability, Seeking biosignatures, Caching samples, Preparing for humans.NASA has invested around 2.75 billion dollars in this project. The rover has a total of 19 cameras and 2 microphones and also carries seven scientific instruments. Perseverance has a completely different design than Curiosity and is more capable than a curiosity because it has new technologies and also carries different scientific instruments. Perseverance rover also has a new landing technology that helps it to decide where to land. All rovers that landed on mars did not have his technology and scientists just hoped it to land on the right spot but perseverance has the technology that helps it to land safely. Previously rovers used to just research about the life possible on mars but perseverance will also help humans to live there using the natural resources available in mars. Perseverance is going to land as close as Jezero crater at its main job in mars is also to explore the crater properly. It is said that the Jezero crater was formed billions of years ago with the help of water. So, scientists are interested to explore this crater. This rover also has a feature that can store different samples of mars and the sample can be recovered from the rover and sent back to earth for research. This rover also carries a helicopter of small size. If the helicopter works in the atmosphere of mars it will help us to explore the parts of the mars where perseverance cannot reach. If the helicopter could not fly in the atmosphere of mars then also it will not affect the mission of the perseverance rover. A device named Moxie is also sent to Mars with the rover. Scientists will demonstrate that we can convert carbon dioxide into oxygen using Moxie.

I think this mission is interesting and if this mission goes planned human beings will be sent there for research and also establish settlements on mars. Rover perseverance has many technologies and will also help us to explore mars properly.