
Student Corner

‘Is having periods a joke?’

Written by: Deelisha Maharjan - 2022006, Grade X

Posted on: 25 March, 2021

‘To bleed for 7 days may sound easy but bleeding your emotions with your blood is most hardest thing you would have in your periods’ - Deelisha


Everyone knows what period or menstruation means, don’t we? A period is the monthly cycle of a female which lasts up to 2 to 7 days when blood and uterus tissue leaves her body through her vagina. You know, how people react to this topic? Eww, that's a joke. That is shameful and should not be talked about, you should keep it a secret. That annoys me so much. This is really gross. She is bleeding to death. This is what most of people say. Do you know how much it hurts for a woman to hear such things during her periods? To feel unwanted, disgusting, and shameful. There are good people that help females’ periods a better experience without making her feel filthy. There are some people who make her condition worse just by insulting her. Is having a period a joke? Is it a joke to suddenly bleed for 7 days and again stop for the whole 23 days? Look, having periods is not a joke, it is a pain. For some of the females they have a severe stomach ache, headache, back pain and so  many other health issues but there some of the females, they don’t feel any pain. You know, scientists have researched on this topic ‘periods’ and they have explained that having severe pain can be compared to having a heart attack and it can be more pain than of heart attack. She bears all those cramps within her and you would never know that. If a girl or women is having her period, help her to not make her feel insecure but make her feel secure and safe. Provide her a sanitary pad, consult her with positive vibes, make her feel better and if not just be there for her, you don’t necessarily have to do something to show your concern. Respect her even though she gets angry with her because it is not her fault to have mood swings during her periods, it’s all because her hormones are messed up. Periods should not be taken as a joke, it is something so much more painful than you can imagine, and that is more likely a curse for a girl to have her periods. Do understand that it is a natural process. Her vagina is a self-cleaning organ; throwing away the dirty blood and old uterine lines to make room for new ones. We girls should not be afraid of having periods and discussing it. Don’t be afraid to buy sanitary pads in public and don't be afraid to ask someone to ask for sanitary pads when you need it. Don’t listen to others' judgment. Most importantly, you need not to be afraid to say that you are having your periods to someone when someone asks you. “Having periods is not a joke.”