
Student Corner

A crazy Titanic theory

Written by: Prasoon Man Shrestha - 2022015, Grade X

Posted on: 24 March, 2021

Titanic is a classic Hollywood movie that was released on November 18, 1997. Titanic has all of the things that you would hope to be in a summer blockbuster. Iconic lines, romance, thrill, and time travel?! In 1997 the movie Titanic was the most expensive movie ever made with a budget of $200,000,000 and was also the highest-grossing movie ever made. It was the first movie that earned 1 billion dollars in the box office. It has the record of being nominated for the most Oscars (14 nominations) and winning the most Oscars (11 wins). The movie Titanic runs at a hefty 3 hours and 14 minutes (was a very specific time because it took exactly 3 hours and 14 minutes for Titanic to sink ). People say that Jack could have survived the shipwreck if the floating rubble could have saved him which saved his girlfriend Rose. But the question is missing the point entirely. Jack had to die and Jack wanted to die because Jack was a time traveler. It sounds crazy but it’s true. Jack was a time traveler who was there on the boat to make sure that the Titanic sank. 

In the 1990s a team of scientists excavating the wreckage of the Titanic which crashed 85 years before. During their search, they find a drawing of a lady named Rose wearing a necklace that contains a massive diamond named the heart of the ocean. And as luck would have it she is still alive and could tell them the story of Titanic. From there most of the rest of the movie revolves around Rose. How she boarded the ship with her rich fiance Caledon who is the worst human being. Rose was trying to get out of her miserable relationship while she decided to jump overboard to kill herself. However, as she is about to do it she is spotted by Jack. Jack is a poor third-class passenger who is only on the Titanic because he won a poker game. Jack is charming enough that it makes Rose not want to die. Rose likes Jack’s third-class parties more than her fiance's misogyny. Then the ship hits a huge iceberg and breaks in half. There aren't enough lifeboats for everybody so Rose ends up floating on a piece of debris while Jack freezes to death while swimming in ice-cold water. After that, while she blows a whistle, one of the boats hears it and picks her up. At the end of her life, she dumps the heart of the ocean back to the sea because it is supposed to symbolize her love for Jack.

So why is Jack a time traveler who was there to sink the ship? As he is freezing to death in the North Atlantic, Jack accurately predicts Rose’s fate as he says that Rose will die an old lady in her bed. Not convinced yet? How about the very first thing that Jack mentions to Rose when he discovers her dangling over the railing of the ship? He said that his dad and he went ice fishing in Lake Wissota. Remember this conversation between Jack and Rose is happening in April of 1912 and Lake Wissota is a human-made lake that was created between 1915 and 1917. It isn’t the only time it happens. He does it again when he is telling Rose about their imaginary trip in the Santa Monica Pierre's roller coaster which wasn’t in the Santa Monica Pierre until 1917. Jack was also carrying a bag called Moose Sack which wasn’t produced after 27 years of his death unless he is hopping timeline. Hold on until you say that Rose is just making Jack up after all as one of the researchers mentions that there was no record of Jack. But Rose says there shouldn’t be any records of him because Jack never purchased his own ticket which he was playing poker 15 minutes before the ship left. All the more reason that Jack is really a time traveler. Leaves no trace of his existence, gets on the ship via a fluke chance of luck right before it takes off. And if Rose was making Jack up there is no explanation about her drawing that they found in the safe.
Jack definitely did exist and he definitely is a time traveler. If you even look at the director and writer of the movie James Cameron, all of his movies are science fiction films like Aliens, Avatar, Alita Battle Angel, and the mastermind behind other time travel classics like Terminator and Terminator 2. Every movie in his filmography is sci-fi and action. But the one movie that he did that does not make sense at all is Titanic, which if you consider it a low-key sci-fi time travel movie. 

So why? Why would a time traveler go back to the Titanic just to have a relationship with Rose only to die in the end and why he didn’t save the ship if he knew it was coming. If Jack didn’t save Rose and she actually jumped the Titanic would not sink considering that once her fiancee and her mother find that she is missing, they would report it to the crew and at which point the standard procedure is to turn the boat around and attempt a search and rescue. But the Titanic is a huge ship and it would take several minutes for it to just turn and requires a significant detour and then th