
Student Corner

Thinking about the future 1000 years from now.

Written by: Kristina Rai - 2026009, Grade VI

Posted on: 21 March, 2021

The world as we know it today is very much ahead of the past. Many things are much more developed. And this era is the science and technology age where there are more facilities and people are living properly.

The future from 1000 years from now would be very much different and I think it would be more developed. Comparing the past until now many inventions and technologies have been invented. Scientists have done and worked hard to develop the lifestyle of the people on this planet earth. But talking about the future 1000 years from now, the earth and the people will be on the next level.  For instance, we can go and travel from one planet to another!

The future will be full of all the new and amazing inventions and technologies. I also think that people will have to work much harder and technology will assist them. They can also live more properly than we do now. Transportations, buildings, and people would change for good. Life on earth will be wonderful thinking about the future 1000 years from now. 

But on the other hand, our earth is dying because of population growth and pollution. It is getting sicker day by day and the earth might not live any longer in the future! We don't know anything about the future because we cannot see the future. So the future thousand years from now can be good as well as bad. Because of human activities, the earth is getting destroyed day by day. But based on scientific research the earth can live longer. So to help the earth, the population must be managed and chemicals polluting earth should be banned so that the earth will be fine just like in the past where there is greenery everywhere and it is peaceful, pollution-free and safe.

So the future of 1000 years from now could be a lot more developed and it will be all magical because of science and technology. But in my thinking, this age has itself developed a lot so the future would be on the next level like the dreams we think of;  all magical!