
Student Corner


Written by: Jiya Sapkota - 2024005, Grade VIII

Posted on: 18 March, 2021

I've been wanting to get out of my home

Everything is out of my comfort zone!

All these people seem out of control

And I just want this virus to get rolled out!  


Counting days to get out of this boredom

But these days only seem like a burden

I've been reminding myself not to take the stress

But I've got nothing to do just sit, read and dress.  


But it's fun when everything’s virtual

Taking classes in laptop’s quite special

I can sleep till late now

Just chill and do my things now!


I miss the days back then—now

Where nothing was a burden;

Wake up with no motivation

Just spend your day in the “so-called” isolation!  


I had nowhere to go

The whole world looked slow

People were worried, scared and traumatized

And some were even hospitalized!  


But now, it has come to an end

It's our time to spend And make our days happier!