
Student Corner

Education System and Students

Written by: Pranil Prasai - 2022012, Grade X

Posted on: 17 March, 2021

As we all know that education is one of the basic needs of humans. Education means to receive or to learn new things. In easy words, we say that education is learning new things or the process of learning different knowledge. The process of teaching or learning, especially in a school or college, or the knowledge that you get (according to Cambridge English Dictionary). Education is one of the important things in our lives. In every sector we need education. To be a doctor we need to study. To become an engineer we need to study. In today's world to become a politician we also need education. To achieve anything in life we need education. Proper education has been a concern in today's world. We can see that many people have achieved high-level posts because of education. To know what is right and wrong we need education. Education in today's world is very important because even to get a small post job we need to pass grade 12. To get admitted to any college we need to have good grades at our school level. Talking about Nepal, it still doesn’t have an appropriate education system. At government schools or public schools, there is not a proper system of teaching. Students do not get the right knowledge which leads them to the wrong path. Many public schools do not teach students what is appropriate for the student. We often hear that the school spoiled my child. That is because the school does not give the student the right knowledge which is misleading. Even if we know what is right, still the answer or solution given by the teacher misleads us. In Nepal, we need a proper system. We see in other countries that their education system is very nice. In fact, public schools are better than private schools in other countries. Nepal needs leaders who know or understand the value. The education system does not mean that we only need good teachers. We also need a nice and clean school with all facilities. By facility I mean that school should provide more knowledge than the course, there should be a library and many more things which a school should have. 

Now, let's talk about students. What do we mean by the student? Everyone is a student. We learn many things in our daily life. Learning things by someone is called being a student. We can also say that the person who is gaining knowledge. We all are students. A lawyer might learn something new from his opponent. Even s/he is a student. A doctor’s education never ends because the doctor learns many things new. Talking about a student who is studying at school or at college. Students should never be dependent on teachers. Even if the system is misleading us then we should know what is right and what is wrong for us. Every student has weak and strong points. We should never compare any student with others. That is one of the worst education systems we have. A student needs to learn not only from the teacher but also from the mistake which s/he has made. 

At last, I would say that the education system of Nepal should be developed. Even students have a major role in that. We can develop the system and make education even better. Students first should value education. Nepal's education system will be better in the near future. Like other countries, the public school will be better than the private.