
Student Corner

If the keyboard could talk

Written by: Mausam Karki - 2022010, Grade X

Posted on: 16 March, 2021

Imagine the keyboard talking. Our life will turn upside down if a simple electronic device like a keyboard could talk. The computer system helps to transport our thoughts but if keyboards could talk every word we type will speak up. If there will be a couple of students working imagine how the situation will be.it will be like a fish market of talking keyboards.

As the keyboard is most important nowadays, we spend our time chatting without friends, sharing our thoughts on social media, and spreading throughout the world. If we are chatting with our friends telling them our secrets the keyboard starts speaking and nothing remains secret because of the speaking keyboard. The things which we share with our friends and we text them and imagine our parents sitting beside us. We can't even text our friends in front of our parents.

Many people can't even imagine life with a talking keyboard. If the keyboards could talk there will be many cases registered. Speaking keyboards would be very harmful to us. Like we filed various private information informs the keyboards will speak up and nothing will remain private. Not only social crime there will be cybercrime also. It will lead our country to the worst country also. Speaking keyboard is not safe as we think it will be amazing. 

We talked about how it is not safe but the keyboard is life-saving also. If we don’t know what we are going through we can express our feelings and thoughts by using the keyboard and we can get the reviews and we can relax. Generally, we search various things on different sites, and here also the keyboard helps. 

We were quarantined and we all were in our house and we were doing study from home.  We used our mobiles and laptops for our classes and here also we frequently used keyboards and it helped us. We were in our home for like 9 months we searched many things like recipes and other things and google helped here also.

Keyboards are probably the best secret keeper but when the keyboard starts talking and speaking it's no more a secret keeper, rather it also publicizes our private message, text, information, and data. We may think it's amazing that the keyboard could talk but it will be hilarious if the keyboard starts talking. It may cause different types of problems and there will be an increase in crime. As I mentioned not only social crime but there will be more cybercrime if the keyboard starts talking. So, I think our life is amazing while we are using a simple and normal keyboard.