
Student Corner

The Struggles of Having Braces

Written by: Manip Maharjan - 2022009, Grade X

Posted on: 15 March, 2021

When you think of braces, you think of them as metal scrap meant to correct the positioning of your teeth and you would be right to some extent. Braces are worse than you think and to cope with having braces is a different ordeal entirely. So what are these metal scraps that are attached to people’s teeth? 

So braces or dental braces are a tool used by orthodontics to align and adjust your teeth in a better position. Braces are also used to fix the gap and even spacing of teeth by applying pressure on your teeth and slowly moving them to the correct or the desirable position. Braces just don’t just change the positioning of your teeth they basically change the bones under them and they literally break the jawbones and change the positioning of the teeth. Sounds painful right? because it is. The best way to describe the pain of having braces is having a toothache but for your entire jaw. It’s not just that when you keep the braces for the first time you feel like a wire is pulling down your teeth later you also feel discomfort and achiness on your teeth and mouth. The best approach to define having braces is when a chunk of meat or any other edibles is stuck on your teeth intensify it a hundred folds and every space along with your teeth and that’s exactly what having braces feels like. When you have just a single chunk of meat stuck to your teeth you feel so uncomfortable and upset imagining braces.

So when the orthodontist first put on the braces you don’t feel anything has changed but after a while, you feel a little discomfort as you think this is not as bad as I thought but lo and behold after maybe 2 or 3 three hours you feel intense pain at your teeth and jaw not only that when you try to eat something everything it just gets stuck on the brackets and you are like not even capable to consume solid food for like week or so after that you feel kind of normal with the food getting stuck occasionally. With each dental appointment, the process of not being able to eat properly starts again. The orthodontist might make an appointment every few weeks to tighten your braces which is really agonizing and is a really slow process. 

The common struggles of having braces are you have to be very considerate of what you eat and how you eat it. When you first get braces like literally along every bracket of the braces food is stuck which is really unpleasant and you have the constant desire to rip apart the braces. Not only that your gum and the muscles around your teeth also sometimes might get scratched because of the braces. If you have braces you just can’t eat hard food like an apple or the bracket might get damaged and you have to chop everything you eat and make it as small as possible so it might not be hard to chew 

So the question is are braces even worth it. The answer would probably be yes and no at the same time though braces hurt and can be a pain in the neck having the correct positioning of the teeth is pretty neat and it also helps to lower the chances of cavity because the teeth will be in the correct way and it will be easy to brush your teeth and the brush will have more reach. In a nutshell, braces are not completely worth it moreover I would say it is semi worth it.