
Student Corner

Effects of the internet on today’s society

Written by: Kriti Nepal - 2023016, Grade IX

Posted on: 11 March, 2021

The Internet refers to the global computer network that helps to connect all the computers of the world. The Internet is commonly used all over the world for different purposes like getting information, using social media, playing games, education, and research, e-news, entertainment purposes, online shopping, online banking, etc. In today’s world, the internet has been one of the most important things in everyone’s life and people feel something missing in the absence of the internet. The use of the internet has grown over time and has helped to connect people from all around the world. Everything has a positive and negative effect and so does the internet. It all depends on how they are used.


The positive effects of the internet are:

  1. It has helped in connecting people from all around the world and has helped them in communicating. 

  2. It has helped all the people for different research and education. 

  3. It has helped to access the latest news online and know about different things happening worldwide.

  4. It has helped people to buy products online and pay online making shopping easier also banking works can be done via the internet. 

  5. It has helped people for entertainment purposes like playing games, watching anime, chatting online, etc. 

  6. It has provided services like online apps that help in studying online even in pandemics etc.


The negative effects of the internet can be:

  1. It has increased cybercrimes like cyberbullying, spreading of fake news, trolls, stalking, etc.

  2. It has become more of a time-waster rather than a time saver as people are using it for timepass instead of useful activities.

  3. It has given people access to online hacking, spreading computer viruses, etc.

  4. Influence from social media sites can lead the teens to the wrong path, make them insecure seeing others, etc.

  5. People are being involved on the internet and not in any sort of physical activities making them obese and causing different diseases.

  6. It has reduced people's creativity as all the things can be found on the internet.


I personally find the internet very useful as it has helped me in learning different sort of things like staying in touch with people who are far away, find new peoples from all over the world, read people's opinions and views on different topics, entertain myself with different games and social media, find help related to the homework, read different novels and books online, express my thoughts and get peoples feedback, online shopping and many more. The Internet can be used both in a positive and negative way. It all depends on how we use it. It’s not the internet that has the negative effect but it is how people are using it in a negative manner for their own personal gains. We need to understand it properly and try to use the internet in the correct manner instead of criticizing the internet for having negative effects.