
Student Corner

The Sixth Child

Written by: Eshanee Manandhar - 2027007, Grade V

Posted on: 09 March, 2021

Once upon a time, there was a lady named Isabelle. She gave birth to six children named Laila, Amelia, Charlotte, Sandy, Sophia, and Emma. Laila was the oldest whereas the youngest one was Emma. Emma was mistreated by her own sisters except for Sophia. She was really kind to her. The other sisters teased and made her do the household work.

One day, their mom Isabelle went out to the grocery to buy food. Their mom went out locking the door. A thief saw their mom going away. As their mother went out the thief came making a mischievous plan. The six children were playing ‘Sardines’. The thief came near to their home taking a gun. He shot the gun and then the door broke open. As soon as the children heard the sound they hid themselves. Laila hid under the sofa and so did Amelia. Charlotte and Sandy hid inside the cupboard. Emma and Sophia didn’t find the place to hide so they just hid themselves covering a shawl over them like a beanbag. The thief came inside their house and started collecting stuff. Laila, Amelia, Charlotte, and Sandy were so scared that they stood up and begged the thief not to hurt or kill them!. Sophia was scared too but as she tried to stand up, Emma stopped her. They made a plan. So Sophia stood up praising and distracting him and then Emma rushed into the kitchen and took the rolling pin. She threw the rolling pin unto the thief’s head. The thief was hit hard and he got unconscious. Immediately, Emma called the police and at the same time, their mom also came home. The police praised Emma for her bravery and also her mother and her sisters.

From that day Emma was treated equally and her sisters stopped teasing and making her do the household work. Emma and their family lived happily ever after.