
Student Corner

Impact of cinema on life

Written by: Himani Bhattarai - 2023017, Grade IX

Posted on: 08 March, 2021

Cinema is a common topic for most youths these days. Most of the time they talk about it and in their free time they spend their time watching the cinema. There are both good and bad impacts of cinema on people’s lives. 

First for the good impact in our life. Cinema teaches us so many things. Most of the cinema includes social activities and it reflects our society. Since we live in modern society most of the children don't know the culture of our country. Cinema teaches the traditional culture of society. These days traditional instruments are not seen in our house or in other words are not used in our day to day activities. Instruments like jhyali jhyamta are not seen nowadays but those instruments are seen in cinema. So many social practices which were never known by the new generation are seen in cinema and they can know about it. It's also a means of entertainment.  Most people love to watch movies in their free time. Some watch cinema to see their favorite actor or actress and try to copy them which can be a good aspect since most of the actors are health conscious and which helps people to think about their health. Some cinemas help us to distinguish between right and wrong. While we watch movies we imagine ourselves as the main character and while the main character is on the wrong path it helps us to think about the situation which helps to increase our thinking capabilities. Some people watch cinema to come out of depression. 

Despite having all these good impacts there are some bad impacts as well. In cinema, many characters consume drugs and things containing nicotine like cigarettes, tobacco, etc. Some cinemas show domestic violence which may inspire some people to do so. Some movies may contain adult scenes that alter the youth's mind in such things. Some people try to implement the same thing that happened in cinema which might result in harassment and many more social problems. Some people use cinema as a bad reference to do bad activities. Cinema also results in time loss. It consumes time and money. For people who don't have enough money and wish to watch cinema is a big crisis. Some children learn bad behavior from cinemas like consuming cigarettes and alcohol. Some cinema may affect others' mentality about some particular topics like marriage. Some cinemas are not favorable while watching with family. People might take fight scenes in movies in the wrong way. Some parents scold their children due to cinema which affects their children’s mind and their thinking capabilities. 

Cinema creates both negative and positive effects in human life. Despite having some negative effects we should not completely prohibit cinema as it has many positive effects and teaches many things which are very important in one's life.