
Student Corner

Ohh! Dear little prince

Written by: Aakanchhya Khadka - 2026001, Grade VI

Posted on: 23 February, 2021

When I first found out that we were going to read a book named, ‘The Little prince’ in term III written by Antoine De Saint Exupery which my seniors had also read, I thought that the little prince would be a mischievous boy and we would get a good life lesson like from the novel, ‘A Christmas Carol.’ Then a thought came to my mind: why would my teacher give us a similar book to the one which he gave us in term II which was, ‘A Christmas Carol?’ I have to admit, ‘A Christmas Carol’ was also an amazing book. Anyway, what really kept my interest was when my Sir had told us that it was one of his favorite books. Then I thought, ‘Great! It definitely could be a different story, unlike anything we had read before.’

The story begins with the author's initial life. I thought yes, his parents were right to force him to read arithmetic, geography, and history and the way they behaved like adults. But after I had completed the novel, I realized how I am starting to lose my childish manner. Then the story talks about how the author met the little prince. The little prince talks about his lovely flower and his duty towards the flower. He meets several people on his visits to other planets which symbolize different natured people who reside on Earth. The people whom he visited on different planets are the King who love to give orders, the businessman who symbolizes people who run so much to earn and in the process, they forget to love others, live their own life lovingly, and even have no time for their family, a tippler who has illogical reasons to drink and never gets out of drinking habit, a sincere person like the lamplighter, someone arrogant like the conceited man and the geographer who writes voluminous books but has no clue on the outside world. 

The little prince was very innocent and loved his flower. He loved his flower more than anything else. He is small but has a very big heart and his sincere loyalty towards his flower makes him very lovable. He is very wise at the same time. The way the snake and the fox realize how innocent and naive the little prince is at one glance touched my heart. Oh! dear little prince, no one can replace the love for your precious flower. The way you obeyed the rule of the earth just for your flower. The love for your flower will never end. The way you fell down on the sand and gave your body away broke my heart apart. I feel deep sorrow for you because the earth was not for someone innocent like you and I also feel for the author who had to depart from a precious gem like you. I  also wish to meet you but I cannot face the sorrow of leaving you for you are so sweet and innocent and loving. Little prince, I hope you have reached your planet and that you are taking good care of your flower.