
Student Corner

My Dream

Written by: Muskan Singh - 2023005, Grade IX

Posted on: 17 February, 2021

Each person has a dream in their life to achieve something when they grow up with their effort. Some people want to be rich whereas some want to buy something very big then some want to be a doctor or an engineer. But for achieving these dreams we have to work hard and be more efficient. In the paragraphs below I am going to discuss dreams and how we can achieve them. 

To turn our dreams into reality the first thing we should set up in our mind is determination towards it. This will help us greatly throughout the journey. Primarily I will decide the way that will lead me towards my aim. Besides that, I will also plan my journey ahead. This all helps to make things more clear and maintain the same pace that will ultimately help to achieve my dream.

Further, no matter how hard it is to do my planning and set goals to achieve what I want I will do it without hesitation. As we know that it’s important to pre-plan and set up, we will get nothing running after our dream without any agenda. Similarly, we must give our time to follow the process and work accordingly to achieve our dream. 

The deficit of encouragement is the center beget that coerces an individual to leave their dream. So it’s very necessary to be positive and encouraged so that we can be a part of our goal. And if we wouldn’t be able to stay positive then it’s gonna be really hard for us to achieve our dreams. Similarly, there are many people around us that demotivate us which will lead to quitting our dream, so we should avoid them and move ahead. 

Then similarly for the accomplishment of our dreams, we have to keep a thing in mind that sometimes it’s hard to time that may encourage us to quit our goal but we should stay positive and remember why we started. Sometimes if we feel messed up then we should restart with a fresh makeover. 

Then another thing is that we should reward ourselves timely. It should be like after a big milestone achievement or something we can simply reward ourselves when we achieve small targets and keep a small step towards our aim. These rewards can include small chocolate to some of your favorite materials. And it will be a motivation to us as well.

Similarly, working continuously day and night would not be right as well. Of course, there should be continuous efforts although we should take breaks and engage in other works like traveling or any other things so that we could get refreshment which is indeed very important.

The next thing is the people beside us also affect us. So we must be around positive people as negativity can distract us. So these are the few ways we can apply to achieve our dreams. I hope you have got some knowledge through my discussion.