
Student Corner

When Gurkhas became one of the greatest military units of the entire world.

Written by: Bikarsha Ojha - 2022005, Grade X

Posted on: 14 February, 2021

Talking about the greatest military squad, there are some of the greatest teams. Such as the British SAS who have parachuted and even the Seal Team 6 of the USA known for acquiring the most developed tech. Or even the Spetsnaz of Russia known for fighting bears in training. But, as decided by many countries informally, the Gurkhas of Nepal.
The origin of Gurkhas goes all the way back to the Anglo-Nepalese War which began from 1814-16 which had ended with the Treaty of Sugauli in 1816. As Gurkhas were low on experience or Number as of the East India Company which had much experience during their colonization era. But during the Anglo-Nepal War, the Gurkhas were to be a tough force for a reckoning. Although Nepal lost due to the Treaty of Sugauli, the East India Company had suffered a massive loss rather than the Kingdom of Nepal(present-day Government of Nepal) causing the British forces to reach an agreement to recruit them causing them to be a big name during Both World Wars. due to their usefulness and advantage via DNA mutations such as better efficient use of Oxygen in their body due to being the inhabitants of alpine regions causing a top-notch advantage in military units in lowlands. The Treaty of Sugauli had brought a 2-century agreement of British and Gurkha units. As for the low number of Units till this day, the Gurkhas are a strong force to be known and have been included in the NATO forces as a part of the British Regiments.

As for the surveys, the Gurkha Recruitment slots open to 200 seats for recruitment were around every 20,000-30,000 people without any conscript. As for reaching the forces, one had to do 75 push-ups under a minute and 70 sit-ups under 2 minutes. As later, they had to catch 35 pounds of bags and hike large Himalayan Hills. Due to the hardcore training, The Gurkhas have considered arguably the greatest military units in the world.