
Student Corner


Written by: Kriti Nepal - 2023016, Grade IX

Posted on: 10 February, 2021

Bullying is the act of insulting, intimidating, or mistreating someone weaker. Bullying can be done in many ways like provoking, threatening, backbiting, spreading false rumors, verbal and physical attacks, isolating someone from a group, making fun, and many more. Bullying is mainly found in schools and colleges. Bullying can be classified into 6 types. They are verbal, physical, cyber, relational, sexual, and prejudicial bullying. Activities of bullying are commonly found in childhood and gradually develop in the coming stages. There are many causes of bullying. Some of them can be jealousy, hatred, making fun, lack of supervision, problems at home, a sense of revenge, getting noticed, aggressive personality, etc. Bullying is repeatedly done intending to hurt the individual physically, mentally, or emotionally. Bullying causes the rise of disputes, violence, the feeling of revenge, and destructive behavior. It causes many problems in socialization. The individuals getting bullied may suffer from loneliness, it weakens their fundamental character like respect, honor, and co-existence. Different methods can be done to control the bullying. Some of them are: Encouraging good work whereas discouraging bad work in home and schools. The individuals must be taught to treat everyone equally and show the feeling of empathy. The individuals must develop the sense of respecting all types of work, ability, etc. As bullying is one of the major social problems in modern society many different efforts have been made in order to decrease it. Some of them are: The schools have implemented moral value education as it teaches good works, the peoples have been taught the rules of equality and equity, There are legal provisions that have been made for torture, people are conducting different types of awareness programs against bullying. Bullying is one of the major social problems that are still prevalent in our society. We must all work together and eradicate such inhuman behavior.