
Student Corner


Written by: Shreevaani Dhungel - 2028054, Grade IV

Posted on: 10 February, 2021

Nature is a beautiful gift, we should protect it. Nature gives us life. We live amongst nature. Not only life, but nature also gives us medicines, air, water, sunlight, and in fact everything we need. The sources of nature are air, water, trees, etc. We should not cut down the trees. We should not pollute the environment, we should not wastewater. We use what nature provides us in our daily life. Yes, we use them. Let me give some examples to you. We breathe in air, we use water to drink, bathe, clean the clothes, etc. Food is also a natural resource because through plants we get food. Soil is used to plant trees and also for planting food. So the soil is also a part of nature. To capture nature’s beauty people have been painting showing different forms of nature. Different minerals are also natural resources. We need minerals as a source of energy and also to make various tools.