
Student Corner

‘An incomplete sentence’

Written by: Deelisha Maharjan - 2022006, Grade X

Posted on: 09 February, 2021

Maybe that's all we ever are; an incomplete sentence, a half-written story.


Without an ending. - Unknown

There is an incomplete sentence everyone wants to say. Especially for teenagers and young adults. You know, what is an incomplete sentence? An incomplete sentence is when you are left to say something to someone but you refuse to because of some issues or of your lack of confidence in what you are saying.

There are teenagers who are facing depression, anxiety, and stress. They have a lot of incomplete sentences to say to their family and friends. Dear parents, do you ever listen to your child? What they are saying or asking about? Your child wants to say a lot about what they are facing, what they are struggling through, what are things that are happening in their lives: be it a lesson or a blessing. But, they are afraid of what they think of you. They are afraid that you would feel like you have a useless and weak child when they open to you about their pain. I am a teenager myself and I know that feeling. You have an incomplete sentence to say to your family, friends or siblings then go ahead and say them. An incomplete sentence always stays in your heart until it isn’t spoken. Not only teenagers but everyone; take out your incomplete sentence from your heart because you need not worry about others. Listen to everyone who is telling you something from their incomplete sentences because that's what matters to them. Read between the lines. Sometimes people say exactly the opposite of what they mean. You need to make them feel safe. If you don’t speak what’s in your heart, you will regret it for the rest of your life. If you have trouble saying your incomplete sentence then just write in a diary or a paper so that it can be read out loud. It will be such a relief that you spoke about your incomplete sentence.

If you like someone, you like something, you want something then just speak out your incomplete sentence to whom you should say. An incomplete sentence is not what hides in your heart but is what you need to correct and make it a complete sentence by speaking it aloud. If not, then your story of everything will be half-finished without an ending.