
Student Corner

The Influence of a Neighbor

Written by: Bipana Shrestha - 2023003, Grade IX

Posted on: 01 February, 2021

The role a neighbor plays in society is crucial. A neighbor is a person who lives next to you. They can either be nice or be rude. A neighbor can become a friend or a foe. A neighbor also influences one’s life. We all have some neighbors who are good with us but we also might have some neighbors who are not nice to us.                    

When we are good with our neighbors we also tend to share things with them. For example; if it's a kid then they might play with the neighbor’s kid. And if it's an adult then they might gossip or even chat about things. We also ask them the right thing to do, when we can’t decide on things and also they give us suggestions. But not every neighbor is that nice. There are those who scorn at one. They judge one and pick their flaws. This can make one insecure about themselves. There are some who spread rumors about one. Society is not always fun and butterflies. There are many dark aspects to it. 

There are also some who pretend to be nice while talking bad about one in the back. This could also lead to one becoming the outcast of society. One can also change by hanging out with their neighbor. They can either turn gossipy or become nice, it depends upon the neighbors. Society plays the same role. Society can also change someone just like neighbors. Neighbors and society are tied together to one.

Thus, we can conclude by saying that a neighbor plays a crucial role in society. We can also learn that there are different types of neighbors and we should not trust them easily. We should also act carefully around them because we might not know what is inside their mind.