
Student Corner

David and the Phoenix - Book Review

Written by: Himani Bhattarai - 2023017, Grade IX

Posted on: 27 January, 2021

David and the Phoenix is one of the most popular and excellent works of ​the author Edward Ormondroyd. David and the Phoenix is a children's novel which deals with the adventure of a boy named David with a bird called Phoenix. The genre of the novel is fantasy and adventure fiction. The major theme of the book in my opinion is the love for nature, a true friendship between David and the phoenix’s adventures.

The story opens on David’s first morning in his new house, he was very excited to go to the mountains but soon he realized his parents may need his help so he decides to go there the next day. The next morning he leaves his house to explore nature. Soon he reaches the ledge, he is very tired and decides to stay there for some time. Soon he saw a huge bird. He was very amazed and a little scared as well as he had never seen something like that before, he got very excited. He then decides to talk to the phoenix, he gathers the courage to talk to the bird. After that David suddenly falls into a trap and the bird helps him just after some times phoenix falls into the trap and David helps her. After this, they start a new journey of their friendship. They start talking to each other. Soon David gets to know that it was no ordinary bird but it was Phoenix who has lived for 500 years and a scientist is after her for experiments and that she will change her place soon. David didn't want the bird to leave so he requested her to stay for a few more days, she agreed to stay. Then the other day David meets Phoenix again on the ledge and the Phoenix decides to give David practical education by traveling with him by keeping David on his back and flying to places. After some time they land back on the surface exploring nature. The Phoenix flew saying he had some work and David went home. Then the scientist who was looking for the phoenix was a guest at David’s home and asked him if he had seen the phoenix. David refuses and decides to inform the phoenix but when he reaches the ledge he sees that the phoenix was not there and decides to leave a note and comes home to write a note. When he reached home David learned that a burglar came into their house and they asked where he had been, he said he had gone for a walk. All of them calmed down and went to their room. David went to his room and was thinking about what to write in the letter, suddenly phoenix came there and asked him whether he could sleep there. David welcomed him and the phoenix fell asleep but David woke her up and asked where she had gone and what happened? Phoenix explained to him that it had gone to race with the witch and she won. He informed the phoenix that the scientist was there. The phoenix said that he is not frightened by that scientist and will fight against him. David became very happy hearing that. But suddenly the voice of the phoenix was heard by everyone and she flew away. The next day the phoenix informed David about a trip to the sea monster to get the treasure to execute the plan against the scientist and David arranged for the trip. Then they went where the sea monster was and found it with the help of the sea monster and only took  4 gold coins and left. The next day David was going to the ledge but his mum stops him and asks him to help her work. After helping her he went to the ledge and saw the phoenix captured in the snare. David helps her but suddenly a scientist appears there and David tries to distract him but gets caught in a snare. Then the scientist helps David and asks about the snare but the phoenix appears and hits him with the helmet and the scientist becomes unconscious and David takes him to the hotel where the scientist lived. After that, they go on many other adventures and meet banshee, leprechaun and enjoy while collecting the things the phoenix said they need. Then the phoenix became tired and they talked for a long time. Then the phoenix remembers that it’s his 500th birthday the next day after tomorrow and they decide to go meet the Faun the next day. They enjoyed their time there and returned back to the ledge and David asked what the phoenix needed. Phoenix said that he needed to make the nest of cinnamon and then the traditional cinnamon pyre of the phoenix should be done. David requested him to not do that. But as it was a ritual that after a phoenix reaches five hundred years their pyre should be done, Phoenix also has to follow the same ritual. David requested him very much but as it was a ritual Phoenix had to do it. As a friendship token, David took a long blue feather from Phoenix's wings. Then when Phoenix went to do pyre, David couldn't face it and he ran away. He was unconscious and woke up and saw that the scientist was below the ledge but it didn't matter to him now, as Phoenix was gone. But suddenly the ashes of the phoenix at the ledge had a movement, David saw that a small and wild phoenix came out from there. The phoenix couldn'