
Student Corner

‘There goes music’

Written by: Deelisha Maharjan - 2022006, Grade X

Posted on: 26 January, 2021

There you were music,

When I was at my least.

There you were,

When I was happy.

There you were,

When I was sad.

There you were,

When I was all bleeding in pain.

There you were,

When no one was there for me.

There you were,

When I was alone,

There you were,

When I was angry.

There you were,

When I was crying silently.

Oh! The music you have been my greatest friend of all time.

And there you are music,

Still bearing all my moods.

There you are,

Being the best friend forever for life.

There you are,

Smiling at me to listen to you.

There you are,

Teaching me the meaning of every word.

Oh! The music here you go always makes me love you more.

And there you will be music,

In the future, still playing.

Still bearing all the mood swings with me,

Still being friends knowing my ups and downs,

Still being with me through my stupidness,

Still making me smile at my hardest times.

And there you were, you are and you will be,

Throughout my heart with beautiful memories.

There you go music,

Brightening, enlightening, and making beautiful,

In everyone’s life.