
Student Corner

My New year resolution

Written by: Muskan Singh - 2023005, Grade IX

Posted on: 25 January, 2021

Finally, in 2020, a very stressful year has passed and now here we are 2021. As we come to New Year’s Eve among one of the strangest years ever, it’s time to begin planning for 2021 and of course, make resolutions for the betterment of it. Usually, many people make resolutions but end up as a memory after January. I also make resolutions and break them up but I will try to stick to them this time and change myself. So this year I am sticking to my resolution hope so it will continue after January too rather than to be a memory. 

What makes a perfect New Year’s resolution? An idea that shapes and reflects you in a better way can be considered a New Year Resolution. As students, we must always refine our thoughts, cultivate smart habits, and enhance our temperament each year and is also necessary for every student to set a target each year and be capable enough to take each moment to reach the desired and set target. So being a student I will also try to be more productive and materialize my dream as it’s considered a kind of success too. So for this, I have taken some resolutions discussed below.

This year I have resolved to do physical exercise on a daily basis. Although this is the common resolution taken by me at the start of every life. But it ends up in a short period due to my laziness. Anyway, I hope I can continue to stick to this resolution for a long time. After experiencing a very unexpected tough situation last year it’s best to be fit enough just not for fighting with the unpredicted virus or disease but to keep ourselves healthy and live a peaceful life. While I proceed forward in this resolution I got to learn that we can learn and do exercises through different available physical and digital resources.

Then another resolution is time management. Time management creates discipline or vice versa. As a student, time is the most precious thing. If I will rub out time then it will rub out tomorrow. I usually have the habit of not organizing my work properly and therefore end up with incomplete homework and projects. So this year I had planned to be more systematic and organized so that I would be able to complete my work on time and not keep pending, the works assigned to me. So in short form, I have listed out my resolution for time management:

  • To learn a new thing every day

  • Get more organized and be innovative

  • Fix a certain time for sleep and wake up on a daily basis.

  • To reduce unproductive use of the time

  • Be more attentive and utilize the time properly.

  • Enjoy every moment and stay positive

So these are some of the things I have taken into consideration for resolving time management. I will try my best to do it and hope it will continue along. Similarly, after this, my other resolution is to be a good reader and a smart learner. For this, I will read more books, literary works, informative knowledge, and consider learning about intellectual fields. I have decided that I would spend more time reading books that would improve my knowledge and interest in reading. To be a smart learner I think I should be more convenient, straightforward, productive, innovative, and extrovert. Another area that I might wish to improve myself is with the surplus time spent on the web and with gadgets.

Then I feel that another resolution can be to avoid negative thoughts and discard them. Because I think when we get negative results through negative thought, and we fail in each task. So I decided to be positive as I believe that a positive attitude is the mark of a superior personality. 

To achieve my preceding resolutions and goals, I will have to bring several changes to my day to day life. According to my opinion, one of the largest causes of procrastination is excessive use of social media particularly Facebook, What’s App, Twitter, etc. except for it, I will also limit the time I pay ahead of the tv. So that the resolution that has been taken can be fulfilled smoothly. 

Instead of observing tv to a fault, I will be able to attempt to realize a sport that I favor and play that game to stay fit and sensible. I think that a good student is understood by his behavior and character. I will have to be respectful to my folks, academics, and elders as a result of respecting and obeying elders are counted in courtesy. This is also one of my resolutions. 

So above mentioned are some of my resolutions made for this year. Although I shared so many resolutions for this new year made by me, I am not sure that I will stick to them for a longer time. Anyway, I will try to make sure that I follow all the resolutions of this new year for a longer time and change myself for the betterment of my personality of course.