
Student Corner

Human Trafficking

Written by: Rohan Upreti - 2022016, Grade X

Posted on: 20 January, 2021

Human trafficking is the trade of humans, for the purpose of sexual slavery, forced labor, or commercial sexual exploitation for the traffickers. This is a serious crime and a grave violation of human rights. Every year, thousands of men, women, and children fall into the hands of traffickers. Some of the forms of human trafficking are:

  1. Girl trafficking

  2. Child trafficking 

Girl trafficking: Buying and selling of young girls for sex and labor exploitation is girl trafficking. The smugglers allure innocent girls in different ways such as providing a good job, nice clothes, traveling to beautiful cities, or sending them for foreign employment.Due to lack of awareness, being parentless, suffering from domestic violence, the girls are trapped in trafficking. We can control girls trafficking by following ways:

  • Girls and women should be conscious to be safe from it 

  • Parents should take care of their daughter 

  • Security body should be alert

Child trafficking: Buying and selling of children for different purposes is called child trafficking. It is done with or without the consent of the family. Due to poverty, family tension, carelessness of guardians, etc they fall into the trap of smugglers. We can control Child trafficking by the following method:

  • Community, guardians, family members, and children themselves should be alert.

  • Access to education and awareness should be increased 

  • The suffering children should be rescued and rehabilitated