
Student Corner

Air Pollution and Ways to Reduce it

Written by: Kriti Nepal - 2023016, Grade IX

Posted on: 18 January, 2021

Pollution refers to the presence of harmful substances that decrease the quality of the environment. Pollution is mainly of four kinds: Air pollution, water pollution, land pollution, and noise pollution.  Here my focus would be Air Pollution. Air pollution refers to the mixture of harmful pollutants in the air. Air pollution is mainly caused due to human activities. The air used to be fresh and pure in the past however due to industrialization and activities like burning fire, the concentration of gases, and deforestation the air pollution is increasing day by day.
There are many causes of air pollution like smoke from vehicles, burning fossil fuels, jungle fire, deforestation, smoking, etc. Air pollution is very harmful to the environment as well as to other living beings. Air pollution decreases the quality of the environment whereas it can breed many dangerous diseases like lung cancer, heart diseases, respiratory diseases, etc to human beings.
Several measures can be taken in order to stop or decrease air pollution. Some of them are: 

Afforestation: Trees help reduce air pollution as it takes the harmful gases like carbon dioxide in and gives fresh air and oxygen. It also absorbs all the pollutants. Planting more trees can help a lot to reduce air pollution.

Use of solar vehicles: Old vehicles that use petrol or diesel tend to produce more smoke and increase air pollution. If we start using solar vehicles that don’t produce smoke then we can minimize air pollution in a huge manner.

Walking or using a bicycle: Many vehicles run on the street that produces dust and smoke which causes air pollution. If we walk instead of the place or use a bicycle then we can contribute to reducing air pollution.

Not burning fossil fuels, plastic, and waste: Peoples usually burn woods, plastics, and waste which contributes to causing air pollution. If we stop doing this activity then we can reduce air pollution.

If we all follow these measures then we can certainly minimize air pollution and its harmful effects.