
Student Corner


Written by: Sashwat Paudel - 2022019, Grade X

Posted on: 14 January, 2021

Metronome is a device used by musicians to help them stay on beat. If you have bothered learning an instrument, chances are that you have encountered a metronome. Metronome is used with any instrument. Some of the instruments that you can use a metronome are piano, guitar, violin, drums, and many more. The metronome helps with the sense of rhythm and timing.

Metronome works by creating a steady beat according to the configuration of the metronome. If the metronome is tuned to 60 BPM(Beats per minute), it creates a clicking sound. The clicking is consistent, which means that the clicking is always the same unless the BPM is turned up. This clicking sound helps to maintain a steady rhythm as many musicians have a hard time sinking the beats. The metronome helps establish the basics of timing and the importance of staying on the beat for musicians. Metronomes also give musicians an idea of how fast or slow they should be going.
Metronomes are tools that you use to practice. You can get metronomes of two types. They are electric ones and pendulum ones. Electronic metronomes use batteries to charge up and some also have a tuning mechanism built in them. This can come in handy, but I am sure a musician would have a tuning app on their phones. The pendulum ones are the classic ones, they are the typical type of metronomes. We can see the pendulum move from left to right, making the clicking sound in the process. This lets the musicians have a visual recognition of when the beat is going to come. Electronic metronomes use a program that plays the sounds, at regular and accurate intervals. To be real, the type of metronome you use doesn't matter at all, because its function is to just create a steady beat. Furthermore, we can also find metronomes on the internet, which cost no money and do the job just as well.  

Therefore, metronomes are tools used by musicians to establish the concept of rhythm and practice with it to test their accuracy with the instrument. Metronomes are important tools to stay on beat and maintain steady playing. Metronomes come in two types, electric and typical metronomes.