
Student Corner

You are Special

Written by: Mausam Karki - 2022010, Grade X

Posted on: 31 December, 2020

Being confined within the course books is something I believe one should not be relying on. Our knowledge should never be limited within our class and course books. This way of learning is something unnatural as we are being limited which is avoiding us to get the vastness of knowledge.

Human beings are single individuals who can never be compared with the other one. One must be such a person out there who never think of being dumb. We are really special and have something really special within us. So, explore yourself to the fullest.

Think, if Einstein can be the best world’s scientist, why can’t we be? It's all up to us. The only effort you have to apply is not limiting your knowledge. Every individual should read lots of books which are not in our course. You should read novels, biographies. 

I believe one can really change their personality with these things. One should be eager to know the biography of Hitler, Binladin or Buddha, etc. It's not necessary that one should read biographies of the person who was modest or fought for human rights or something else. One can also get an education for denying anti forces of human nature from the biography of the one who became famous as an antagonist in their real life. At least, they were the ones of whom the world got scared. They also have that quality which one of your reading of the articles can never have. From their biographies, you will know what mistakes they committed which they shouldn’t have done. Be happy every day about what you have learned. A single day teaches you a lot. So failing in exams never matters but failing in life matters. We everyone on this planet is here to earn and still will be learning. Explore the world, have an interest in things around you. Everything has something to tell you. So, explore yourself and know your potentiality and then the day is not far when the world recognizes you. There will be a point of time when you will know the answer to “who I am?” that day, believe yourself, that you become a learned one.