
Student Corner

Aliens (Extraterrestrial life)

Written by: Sabin Shrestha - 2022017, Grade X

Posted on: 30 December, 2020

Aliens or even known as Extraterrestrial life is a life form that did not originate on Earth. From the 20th century, scientists have been studying life above the earth. The alien life can also be microscopic to a size bigger than the average human. Scientists like Stephen Hawking and Carl sagan made arguments on aliens. 

When there are aliens there is UFO. UFO (unidentified flying objects) is an aerial phenomenon that cannot immediately be identified or explained. The first real photograph of a UFO was taken by astronaut José Bonilla near the sun. The sighting of aliens has been found before the birth of Christ. Every planet in the solar system has a chance of having lived in it. The latest UFO encountered is the USS Theodore Roosevelt UFO incidents. This incident happened for 9 months from 2014 to 2015. Many developed countries gave their statements on aliens that they exist.