
Student Corner

Conan O’Brien

Written by: Manip Maharjan - 2022009, Grade X

Posted on: 29 December, 2020

Conan Christopher O'Brien or Conan O’Brien is an American television talk show host/comedian who was born on April 18, 1963, in Brooklin, Massachusetts. Over the years Conan has become a sensation in the American household, thanks to his unique sense of humor and his questionable sense of conduct. He has kind of a weird and unique way of humor and personality which makes him a prominent figure in the entertainment industry.
When you think of a late-night show host you think them to be elegant, graceful, and neat, that is everything that Conan is not. The way I like to describe Conan is the talkative and annoying character in a cartoon who is the punchline of every joke. Though being a guy who is in his 50s Conan does not act that way. He has been able to maintain his sense of humor throughout his career as a late-night host. Conan mainly invites celebrities and other notable people in his show and also does different things in his shows such as busting employees while eating cake, finding his staff stolen gigolos mug, etc the list goes on. He is also passionate about irritating his associate producer Jordan who is kind of a stern guy who never laughs at the funniest jokes and has a face that does not react to anything. Due to his stern demeanor, Conan has accused Jordon to be a robot, an alien who was sent to spy on Earth, etc. Conan also has other segments such as “Conan without borders” where he goes on to different countries and does local things in the country such as going to the local market or a restaurant or a national monument. Another segment of the Conan show is Conan visiting different factories or someplace such as Taco bell headquarters or a german sausage factory and many more. Normally when you go somewhere new you would lay low and learn from the guide but that is the thing that Conan does in the opposite way. If he visits a place he normally interrupts the guide and makes a joke out of everything from food to the horrible service and various things that the guide says. Also, Conan does a game reviewing segment called the clueless gamer where he invites professional gamers like Bill Hader and other major players in the gaming industry.

Conan is known for his incredible sense of humor and creating really awkward moments with his staff and other people around him. His success also comes from working in the cartoon show The Simpsons and years of dedication to comedy and experience. Conan has the personality of a man, child, and has a rather simplistic approach to interacting with his co-workers and staff. He has an insane personality and he does questionable things for the sake of entertainment, to say the least. Some of the titles of his videos are busting employees eating cake and catching employees coming late which sounds kinda uncomfortable. His approach to his staff is really funny in a way, for example, he has thrown his staff’s chair, scrambling his staff’s paper knocking down things from his staff’s table you name it he has done it. Rather than being a boss who demands the highest performance from his staff he always finds a new and annoying way to mess with them. He says he always wanted a show which looks right but is very wrong and wants to scare everyone who watches his show which is the exact phrasing to describe his mess of a show. Conan is an odd man who does odd stuff.

To sum up, Conan is a host whose passion for awkward comedy and his love for annoying and messing with people has made over the years made him into one of the most successful late-night hosts in the history of late-night shows.