
Student Corner

Is reopening the school a good idea?

Written by: Deelisha Maharjan - 2022006, Grade X

Posted on: 24 December, 2020

We know all the institutions were closed due to this corona pandemic in the world. We all stayed many months in our home, attending our school online, working from home, running a business online, didn’t we? Now after so many months, life is back to normal (well almost). People are going to their work, most of the institutions have opened, people are traveling. As we know, there are some schools which have already opened and the regular classes are also running smoothly with the preventive measures.

We have also got the news that our school is also going to reopen. Reopening the school is quite good as well as a bad idea. When the school reopens, we will go back to our normal classes physically, but during this pandemic reopening the school can also prove to be difficult. Reopening the school is not a bad idea but if there are no preventive measures followed like sanitizing, maintaining social distance, wearing face masks at all times, and wearing the protection band then there will be more chances that the students and the teachers will be infected by each other's diseases. While studying online, there are also many difficulties while teaching the students and difficulties for teachers also. Many chapters couldn’t be taught online because of many technical problems. If school reopens then there would be sufficient time to teach and finish the lesson plan whereas in online school there are fewer periods and has insufficient periods to finish the curriculum in time. This will be trouble for both teachers and students. Whereas if the school does not open, there will be less chance of physically distancing with many people which will be less dangerous to us. If the school decides to reopen, then they should take the responsibility of keeping the students and teachers safe by providing sanitizer, checking the temperature, maintaining social distancing, maintaining clean and separate desks.

Reopening isn’t a bad idea though many parents are a little concerned with the pandemic situation and there might be the situation that they won’t send their child to the school. Reopening the school is a good idea because there are a lot of benefits for the students and teachers in the context of studying.