
Student Corner

Conflict can create an environment friendly

Written by: Deelisha Maharjan - 2022006, Grade X

Posted on: 23 December, 2020

Conflict is defined as a clash between individuals arising out of a difference in thought process, attitudes, understanding, interests, requirements, and even sometimes perceptions. A conflict not only can arise between individuals but also among countries, political parties, and states as well. Talking about conflict, even negative conflicts can have a positive impact on a group or the environment because if there is no conflict there are no problems being identified and being solved. 

Positive conflict can create a friendly environment because it introduces new ideas and thoughts to the group or society. Positive conflicts are the conflicts that produce new ideas and solve the existing problems and also have a tendency of providing new opportunities. Positive conflicts are constructive in them. An example of positive conflict may be the conflict to solve certain problems that have been underlying in the group. When there is both positive and negative conflict happening in society, you know what is happening there related to the environment, isn’t it?

Positive conflicts can make the environment better by simply reworking the system itself. There can be either major or minor changes that can take place with the help of positive conflicts. Positive conflicts also bring creativity in the environment of the group or the society, ultimately making the environment better.

Positive conflicts can also enhance the competition among the parties in the environment. There can be many parties that look after the same project and can point out the bad areas of the project and when the problem gets solved, the project gets better by being more competitive.  There can be better projects for the environment. Therefore, conflicts are of two types, positive and negative. Negative conflicts can also bring strength in the environment but positive conflicts do the same thing that negative conflicts do but in a better and civilized manner.