
Student Corner


Written by: Bipana Shrestha - 2023003, Grade IX

Posted on: 15 December, 2020

Reincarnation is a belief that I am sure most of us have heard of. We have also seen a lot of movies and read a lot of books related to it. It is the belief that when one passes away, the soul of that body goes inside another body and is born again. In simpler terms, reincarnation is the rebirth of a soul in another body. There are many people in the world who believe in reincarnation. I’m sure most of us have also seen or read a lot of things related to reincarnation. The major religions that believe in reincarnation would be Hinduism, Jainism, Buddhism, and Sikhism. 

There are also many religious tales regarding reincarnation. There was one that specifically stood out the most. It was about a blind monk who was in the midst of attaining salvation. When he was in the midst of attaining salvation, he saw his past life. He found out that he was a doctor specifically; an ophthalmologist in his previous life. He one day had ruined one of his client’s eyes intentionally in his past life resulting in him being blind in this life. That not only talks about reincarnation but also talks about the belief called Karma. 

There are many people who believe in reincarnation and who don’t; however, the problem is that does reincarnation actually exist or not? This question is still yet to be answered. There are many people who claim that they remember their past life and use that knowledge from their past life in their current life. I personally think that reincarnation is true because if it were, most of the theories regarding “souls” can be confirmed easily. For example, It offers one of the classic explanations for why some people suffer misfortune while others enjoy a lucky life: the misfortune can be explained as the result of my own misdeeds in a previous life. 

Although, there are a lot of rumors that the incarnation is actually true it cannot be taken seriously since we can't believe a baseless rumor. Reincarnation might not actually be true; it is a very mysterious and intriguing topic that people can discuss.