
Student Corner

The Rich Getting Richer and The Poor Getting Poorer

Written by: Simone Shree Pathak - 2023012, Grade IX

Posted on: 13 December, 2020

This society is based on two different classes; the rich and the poor. The rich are the ones who live lavishly and are successful. Well, the poor are the ones who are not successful and don’t get to live lavishly. However, there is still a class in between known as the middle class. The middle-class people are the ones who are neither that poor nor that rich. They simply live life in a basic manner. They can be considered poor compared to the rich.

In this world, the rich are always getting richer and the number of poor people is increasing. This is a general truth. However, there are exceptions where the poor get rich. First of all, the rich and the poor have a completely different mindset. The rich aim on getting richer however the poor decision to get rich to get certain things. The rich focus on putting their money to work; meaning buying stocks, shares, and assets as much as possible. But the poor mostly earn money to spend it on things. For example; if the poor buy a new iPhone, the rich buy Apple shares and stocks. 

Of course, not all the poor spend money on things, some have a different mindset. There are some who are smart about spending money and strive for success. There are many who were born in the slums but end up in a villa. The same saying goes for countries, the rich and developed countries get richer while the under-developed or the developing ones stay the same. That is also because the developed countries have zero tolerance for corruption and embezzlement which is rather opposite to the under-developed ones where the corruption is high. 

The rich are getting richer and the poor are getting poorer. This is similar to the strong and the weak. However the strong are the ones who help the weak. This saying should also apply to the rich and the poor.