
Student Corner

Online classes and its challenges

Written by: Aavash Malla - 2025001, Grade VII

Posted on: 13 December, 2020

The year 2020 has been a rough year for everyone, especially for children because of coronavirus (Covid 19). Students are all locked at their homes due to lockdown and cannot go to schools to study. In school, learning has stopped.  So students are studying online classes from their homes. As I am a student myself, I have been doing the same.

In online classes, we don't have to take many classes as we used to in school. Online classes have some good purpose but it is very challenging as well.  We have to stay hours in front of our devices which can harm our eyes and there can be a lot more technical challenges as well. We take online classes because we want to learn new things but sometimes we have problems taking online classes, for instance, our devices might not be working, sometimes there is a network problem and sometimes there could be a power cut. Teachers sometimes have a hard time understanding our issues.

Hence, online classes have always been challenging one. Everyone has faced these problems when they learn online. To tackle it, if any problems occur we first inform the teachers and if somehow we are unable to contact our teachers, we inform our friends; the problems so that they can inform the concerned teachers. We have been taking online classes because of coronavirus as we cannot go to school and taking online classes is in a way good because we are gaining knowledge of staying in our homes. Also, it has taught us to become an independent learner.