
Student Corner

Wormholes and its type

Written by: Sonishma Basnet - 2022021, Grade X

Posted on: 25 November, 2020

Wormholes, based on the theory of relativity by Albert Einstein, are the bridge that connects two points in space and time. It is as if space and time are folded, the points in space which were far away would be near and can be connected. Wormholes are basically shortcuts that allow one to travel from one location in the universe to another in a shorter amount of time.

The term wormhole was taken in reference to a worm digging the surface. If we imagine a worm on the surface of an apple, the worm can take a shortcut from one side of an apple to another by burrowing through the center of the apple to the other side. The theory of the wormhole also works in the same way as a traveler can take a shortcut from one point in the universe to another by traveling through a wormhole. Thus the word wormhole was given life. 

After the first theory presented by Einstein, there are many other theories suggested by different other scientists. Therefore there are many types of wormholes. There are multiple ideas about the different types and functions of wormholes however, there are six primary types of wormholes that scientists agree exist. 

1. Traversable - These are the kind of wormholes that we are familiar with in terms of science fiction. Traversable wormholes are the ones that we can pass through from one point in the universe to another.

2. Non-Traversable - These are wormholes that nothing can pass through because the wormhole collapses; it only has an entry point, but no exit; or the particle entering it would be destroyed before reaching the other side.

3. One-way wormholes- These are one-way-trip wormholes, meaning you can only travel once through them, and you would need a separate wormhole to return.

• Black Holes - Black holes are considered as a type of one-way wormholes. Anything can enter a black hole, but due to its intense gravitational pull nothing can escape.

• White Holes – White holes are the opposite of black holes. Here it throws out the objects but nothing can enter in it. It is believed that the objects that are pulled by black holes escape through white holes. 

4. Two-Way- These wormholes are round-trip wormholes that allow one to go and return through the same wormhole.

5. Intra-Universe- These wormholes are located inside the universe and are for traveling from one point to another within the universe.

6. Inter-Universe wormholes- These wormholes connect from our universe to another parallel universe.