
Student Corner


Written by: Deelisha Maharjan - 2022006, Grade X

Posted on: 19 November, 2020

We are all humans and make mistakes, don’t we? Success isn’t always guaranteed but learning and growing up is all about learning from the mistakes we make. We all make wrong decisions which we regret. After all, we all are humans and it is the truth that nobody in this world is perfect and right all the time. We humans learn lessons and spiritual values from many things, don’t we?


You make a mistake and you learn the lesson but why don’t you apply the right method to make that mistake your biggest lesson you have learned? You know you fail, but learn to not give up from that. Learn to be more hardworking and disciplined. One failure cannot describe all your success right? You know you want to ask questions in class or to someone but you’re afraid, just learn to ask the question. You don’t have to put all the fears within you. To learn is all you and I can do it in our life. Everything in our life is what we learn, we learned to walk, learned to speak, learned to sing, learned to study, learned to play, learned to dance, learned to travel, learned to ask and so on. Learning plays a very vital role in our life and you and we must not forget it. You must learn to keep your thoughts in public so you can learn new things from new people. You must learn to speak up and stand up for yourself because it is your life and no one will do it for you. If you fall in the middle, you must learn to stand up for yourself and not give up. If you can’t win then it is fine but you must learn to fight for it, you must try it, know that you are capable and you have the ability for it. You will not learn anything until you try.


You must try to learn every lesson in your life and the spiritual values in your life.Learn to fly up in the sky where people adore your success.You need to learn,believe,change,grow,and become successful.


 "Live as if you were to die tomorrow; learn as if you were to live forever."  - Mahatma Gandhi