
Student Corner

‘Do what you love’

Written by: Deelisha Maharjan - 2022006, Grade X

Posted on: 09 November, 2020

We people hesitate to ask for the things we want to and the things we want to do, don’t we? Why do we hesitate to tell the things which we love to do in front of others, just in fear that they will judge us? We people always  see the negative things which bring us stress rather than the positive things which bring us good vibes. If you like to do something then do it because if you don’t do it and live for others' sake  you will regret it. Do the things you love and live your life.

The common problem seen in not only teenagers but adults too, is also hesitation to say about the things they love. There are many people who are regretting their choices and decisions. Like example, if there is a person who likes doing art like paintings, drawing and many more and wants to become an artist but they are pressured from their family to become a doctor or an engineer forcing them to undertake a subject which they detest and will not excel at. It most definitely won’t be easy for them to cover up science and put interest in it than arts in which he had a lot of interest and talents. If they make a decision to become an artist then, it would be very good for them because they are following their heart and are willing to do anything to become an artist rather than a doctor or engineer. In this example, you can see the huge difference in the things you love to do and you don’t love to do. 

We all need to own up to our choices. We need to work and do the things we love rather than forcing ourselves to do the things we don’t love. Don’t make your decisions based on “what will people say”, do what is right for YOU and if not, fight for IT. Do the things you love and live your life after all you only live once.

When you like a flower, you just pluck it. But when you love a flower, you water it daily. One who understands this, understands life. - Buddha