
Student Corner

Sifal School’s Events

Written by: Subha Shree Malla - 2030040, Grade II

Posted on: 05 November, 2020

Hello everyone today I’m going to share my experience about Sifal School’s Events. My school’s name is Sifal Secondary School which is located at Sifal. Our school organizes different types of events such as: Drama Night, Food Festival Event, Yoga Event, Hamro Palama, Sifal Nights, etc. Among them Sifal Night is my best event where we can show our inner talents like: yoga, drama, dance, singing as well as other talents. My school organizes a Sifal Night Event three times in a year which is the best part of my school. But this year, we are unable to do all these events because of COVID-19. Due to this virus we have to do our classes online. I miss all the events that we used to do in our school very much.