
Student Corner


Written by: Anushree Acharya - 2027003, Grade V

Posted on: 04 November, 2020

Internet helps us to connect with our friends, family and relatives from any corner of the world and also gives us access to information. The Internet also helps us to research and know what is happening around the world. There are many advantages and disadvantages of the internet. If we use the internet wisely and carefully, it will lead us to our success but if we don’t know how to use the internet properly or misuse it or use it carelessly then it will lead us to our downfall. 

Through the internet we get to know about many things and we can research on several topics. For instance, we can know what is happening in the world during this pandemic. Though there is lockdown everywhere due to the pandemic of COVID-19, we have been able to study through online classes with the help of the internet. Due to the help of the internet, we are able to meet friends daily even in this pandemic.

There are many advantages of the internet even though there are some disadvantages. Like everything in the world has a positive and negative part there are positive and negative parts of the internet as well.

In our case, we learn through the internet. That’s a good thing the internet has done, but if suddenly the internet gets disconnected then we miss the class. Then we have no option but to wait for the internet to come back. When finally the internet is back we miss the rest of the class, classwork and the things taught by the teacher. So this makes the internet not reliable despite its advantages. There are many more disadvantages of the internet. For example: Cyber crime, hacking, access to inappropriate sites etc.

To prevent ourselves from the negative side of the internet, we must be more careful while using the internet. We must not give anyone the password of our facebook ,email etc. If we have given anyone the password mistakenly then we must change it. These things help us to use the internet securely.  

Internet has made the world as a one village. We can visit the world by sitting in a room with the help of the internet. Internet has many advantages but could be a distraction if we misuse it.