R & D unit of DWIT is the Creative team behind every digital aspects of DWIT. It is also the team behind online video lectures, all DWIT web applications, and various creative productions. It is an inventory of DWIT with creative ideas and innovations everyday. Comprising of 12 interns in the team, R&D unit provides digital and technical solutions to DWIT.
Deerwalk Learning Center is a non-profit organization that provides free video lectures from Class 4 to Class 12. It's aim is to address the gap in the education system in Nepal. It focuses on developing and delivering video lectures and tutorials for grade I to Grade XII students based on the curriculum developed by Curriculum Development Center, Ministry of Education of Government of Nepal. Visit site
Flipped class videos are the online lecture classes designed by the R&D unit of DWIT. These are the online lectures from class 4 to class 12. It covers the curriculum developed by Curriculum Development Center, Ministry of Education of Government of Nepal.
Digital Media Team is a sub-division of DWIT R & D Unit where we find Digital Media solutions to enhance the learning process on an everyday basis.The main role of the team is to grow strategically by creating content, ads, and engaging with the target audience on different social media platforms. DMT team is also hold accountable for all official site development of DWIT. "The designing Team" and "The development Team" are the two teams working cohesively to meet the goal.
The team's main role is producing the "Flipped Class Videos". Flipped class videos are the free online classes offered by the Deerwalk Learning Center at (http://dlc.dwit.edu.np/). They are free online classes from class 4 to class 12,designed according to the curriculum developed by Curriculum Development Center.