
Student Corner

National Paddy Day

Written by: Vedanga Aryal - 34018, Grade III

Posted on: 26 July, 2024

National Paddy Day is the annual festival of Nepal which is celebrated on 15th of Asar. It is also known as Dhan Diwas, Ropian Diwas and Asas 15. This day is the beginning day of rice plantation. This day is celebrated with the objectives of increasing crops  in quality and quantity. On this day, particular tasks are shared among the men and women. Generally, men plough the field, arrange the drain water, level the field and make the mud soft. The women plant the rice. During the plantation, they sing a folk song (Asare geet) and dance on the muddy field. They throw mud at each other which makes them so fun. They eat beaten rice and yoghurt with pickles, fruits and vegetables. Some tourists also participate in rice plantations nowadays. Nepal is an agricultural country. Nepal celebrated this festival with various rituals and events. There are many programs on this date organized by NGOs, Nepal government and private organizations.