
Student Corner

Everything You Need To Know About Quasars

Written by: Gaurab K.C - 25006, Grade XII

Posted on: 25 July, 2024



It can be impossible to describe the vast and dynamic nature of the universe, emphasizing the central role of galaxies as fundamental components. Within these galaxies, there lie  supermassive black holes that  reside at their cores, and in certain cases, these black holes turn into Active Galactic Nuclei (AGN). AGN are characterized by their various consumption of matter. There exists a specific type of AGN known as quasars, which are intensely bright cores located in the distant parts of the universe. Quasars are highlighted as extreme examples of AGN. They are incredibly luminous. They are beacons that offer a  different perspective into the early stages of the universe, which provide valuable insights into the processes that have influenced its creation and evolution over time.


Quasars, also known as quasi-stellar radio sources, are very significant in the context of active galactic nuclei. Quasars are described as sources of intense brilliance that originate from the central supermassive black hole in active galaxies. The process involves the black hole consuming large amounts of matter, leading to the formation of a swirling accretion disk. This disk becomes a battleground for massive clouds of material, experiencing strong gravitational forces that result in collisions and rapid orbital movements.


When things collide and move fast in the disk around the black hole in a quasar, it gets very hot. This heat makes the disk shine much brighter than entire galaxies. The gas clouds in the disk zoom around really fast, from 10% to over 80% of the speed of light. Studying quasars gives astronomers a special chance to learn about the early universe. Quasars are like faraway lights that have traveled a very long way, showing us a bit of the important cosmic events that happened in the ancient times of our universe.


The Galactic Center:


Quasars become bright lights when a bunch of gas gathers around a giant black hole in the middle of a galaxy. This can happen early in the universe when streams of material flow into the galaxy through cosmic pathways called filaments. Later on, quasars might also light up when galaxies crash into each other or come very close, making strong gravitational forces. As the gas falls into the black hole, it releases a significant amount of energy. This process makes the quasar shine incredibly bright.


Formation of Quasars (Supermassive Blackholes):


When a large amount of gas gathers around a Black Hole, Quasars are formed. This can happen early in the universe when streams of stuff flow into the galaxy through pathways called filaments. Sometimes, quasars light up later when galaxies bump into each other or get very close, creating strong gravitational forces. When the gas falls into the black hole, it lets out a ton of energy, making the quasar shine really bright. One can picturize galaxies as busy cities in space; when they collide or get close, it's like a spark that turns on quasars. Scientists study these events to understand how the universe changes over a really long time, and quasars help tell the incredible story of the cosmos.


Quasars are super bright lights in space. They form when a lot of gas gathers around a big black hole in the middle of a galaxy. This can happen in the early times of the universe when streams of material flow into the galaxy through cosmic pathways called filaments. Quasars can turn on later when galaxies crash into each other or come really close, making powerful gravitational forces. When the gas falls into the black hole, it lets out a lot of energy, making the quasar shine super bright.


Think of galaxies like big cities in space. Sometimes, these cities crash into each other or get close, and that's when quasars turn on. It's like a big spark when things collide. Studying these events helps scientists understand how the universe changes over a really long time. So, quasars act like cosmic flashlights, showing us the incredible story of the universe.


Feedback From Quasars:


There's a fascinating thing called "feedback." This happens when quasars give off strong radiation, creating powerful outflows of ionized gas, like space winds. These outflows affect their home galaxies in both helpful and troublesome ways. They can start huge starbursts by pushing gas clouds together, but on the flip side, they might stop star-making by kicking out or heating up interstellar gas. This cosmic dance can have long-lasting effects, sometimes hitting pause on a galaxy's star-making time for different lengths. It shows how quasars and their galaxies have a detailed and powerful connection. 


Feedback exposes the way quasars influence their galactic homes This dance begins at the moment quasars emit incredibly strong radiation causing significant cosmic events in their home galaxies. One key part of this feedback is the formation of powerful outflows, in which ionized gas flies away from the quasar, sort of like the solar wind only much bigger. The flows of these outflows, reddening and heating the gases while driving the grains as they go through the galaxy, affect in both good and bad ways on how stars form. They can induce enormous starbursts by compressing gas clouds, nevertheless, they can also prevent star-generation by expelling or heating interstellar gas. The consequences of quasar feedback go beyond a very localized one, sometimes putting off star formation by different measures. It displays the way those celestial encounters have consequential implications.


Therefore, the connection between quasars and their galaxies, seen in the feedback process, reveals powerful forces shaping the cosmos. The impact of quasar-driven outflows demonstrates a balance, influencing both the start and stop of star formation in galaxies. In this continuous interaction, the lasting effects of quasar feedback play a crucial role in deciding the fate of galaxies, sometimes causing a temporary pause in their star-forming activity. This ongoing partnership between galaxies and quasars highlights the ever changing and influential dynamics of these interactions across the vast expanse of the universe.


Spectrum of AGN:


AGN spin a vast spectrum, emitting diverse energy levels. Positioned near the extreme high end of this spectrum, quasars stand out, yet they represent just one facet of AGN diversity. The brilliance of quasars results from their near face-on orientation to us. When viewed precisely head-on, they transform into blazars, where the relativistic jet appears brighter and seemingly 'blazing.' Some more interesting among blazars are "BL Lac" objects, displaying dramatic brightness variations and a spectrum lacking distinct spectral lines.


Seyfert galaxies, another AGN category, possess an accretion disk but lack a prominent jet, exhibiting weaker activity than quasars. Seyferts are divided into Type I and Type II, representing the same object viewed from different angles. Type I Seyferts, seen face-on, display two strong sets of spectral lines, broad and narrow, whereas Type II Seyferts, observed edge-on, lack pronounced broad emission lines due to a thick torus of dust blocking some emissions.


In contrast to quasars and blazars, Low Ionization Nuclear Emission-line Regions (LINERs) showcase weak AGN activity, with some potentially lacking an accretion disk. Furthermore, all AGN fall into two categories: radio-loud and radio-quiet galaxies regardless of their specific type. For instance, some quasars like 3C 273 emit lots of radio waves, while others remain radio-quiet.


Thus, the comprehensive understanding of AGN reveals a rich tapestry of celestial phenomena, each contributing uniquely to our comprehension of the dynamic forces at play within galaxies.




In conclusion, Quasars act as the brightest lighthouses across the cosmos, thus making it the only way to observe the early universe. They are born from the energetic activity from around the supermassive black holes during the process of merging of galaxies; hence exposing the intricate interplay between such massive cosmic structures. Quasars among other sources like blazars and Seyfert galaxies contribute to the our study of AGN diversity.


The feedback mechanism, where quasars emit a potent energy, is very essential in the exertion of galaxies. Energetic starburst feedback drives galaxy star formation, illustrating a dynamic evolutionary process.