
Student Corner

No One Likes Evil Bats

Written by: Anushree Acharya - 28002, Grade IX

Posted on: 24 July, 2024

Social media is a dangerous place. I know that because I am one of the bats that live there. I like to think of social media as a huge cave full of bats. I don't like bats, I find them strange. Every user is a bat and there are different types of bats. Sweet bats, helpful bats, popular bats, attractive bats, bullying bats, evil bats, scamming bats, they just keep on going. These bats have their own way of using social media. Popular or attractive bats use it to showcase how their life is better than everyone else's . Some bats are helpful and help friends and other misguided bats in the cave and then there are the evil bats. 

No one likes the evil bats.


The evil bats bite, they are ugly it has no fur and they can't fly properly but one thing they can do is bite. They can bite the other bats and make them feel bad. Even though they’re clearly worse they point out the flaws in other bats. Broken wing, crooked teeth, sad eyes etc. These evil bats love making other bats hate them. Even though the bats are told not to mind they can’t help but mind about what others think of their wings or teeths. Now an average bat is turned into a self-conscious anxious bat . 


No one likes the evil bats.


Cyber bullying is when an internet user threatens, bullies or makes fun of other internet users via social media apps. Cyberbullying is extremely bad because it hurts people's feelings and minds, and sometimes even their bodies. In today's digital world, where we spend a lot of time online, this kind of bullying can invade someone's personal space and make them feel really terrible. It not only makes people feel bad about themselves but also makes them scared and unsure about their safety, which can lead to serious problems like feeling very anxious, depression and, in some cases, even thinking about hurting themselves. Also, cyberbullying can leave a permanent mark online, which can damage a person's reputation and their chances for a good time in the future. It's super important that we understand how serious cyberbullying is and do our best to make the internet a kinder and safer place. Now, anything that the user finds offensive or rude can be classified as cyber bullying, even simple rude comments can emotionally scar a person’s life. Of course some people assume everyone will just take their side and use cyber bullying as a medium to frame someone.


So, the effects of social media, how can it be useful but first let’s take an easy approach imagine that you just logged in into your favorite social app and get greeted by a few good morning dms from your friends and positive posts on your screen, they all make you see these social media sights in a better light and even I admit social media can be a really great way of sharing news, information or just having fun with friends. There also are some people that are just trying to help you, sharing their daily life in an app. But there is one thing they do tell you. Cyber bullying. Not everyone gets  treated with respect. They get shamed for their body and imperfections. That leaves people to anxiety and depression or even suicidal thoughts. It is not funny, bullies need to know that. And It's 10 times worse than bullying. There is one permanent thing that you cannot do in social media browsers that you can do in non – virtual life. That is minding your own business. Even if someone does something that goes against your religion or your beliefs it's not a reason to shame or demoralize them for it . You should simply say “well I disagree” and carry on with your day, even if you want to make a comment you should keep in mind that respect should be given to everyone regardless of their beliefs .


Bullies make your life a living hell if you don’t do something about it. There is a block button but that button will only be able to block your conversations. Not the feelings they hurt of yours. Apps have different ways of bullying. When you were little you were told not to talk to strangers, but we can just throw it out the window because we all use social media and the social media is full of strangers commenting on your post. And the bad thing is small children who cannot differentiate between friends or strangers share their personal emotions and talk to these people and that leads to spoof hacking, they can even harass you on chat. That’s a reason why children shouldn't access Social Media , social media holds just a small fragment of the real world which can overwhelm or traumatize children. Children shouldn't know about racists or pedophiles, but on the internet, they swarm like bees around suspected youngsters. 


When I say social media is dangerous I mean it. There is a chance people might stalk you and find out information about you until they know much to blackmail you. We always have to be careful. One wrong text and your private information are leaked. Let’s take an example of Colleen Ballinger, an internet star who was recently under fire for her leaked text messages with her fans who are mostly children. She asked weird and peculiar questions to young fans and even asked them to share their personal info. The Internet is full of evil bats like that. It's your call if you want to be a good bat or an evil bat.


There are celebrities who went through that stage of their life when people would bully them and threaten them. There are some talented people who just cowered down because  the thought of bullying scared them. Cyber bullying is not funny and people who went through it need immediate supportive help. Finally, I would like to say that we should all agree on one thing that cyberbullying is not funny or comedic in any way and those who partake in it should be heavily punished . “ No one likes evil bats”