
Student Corner

Buried Alive

Written by: Kritanjali Odari - 27018, Grade X

Posted on: 17 July, 2024

Buried alive, as foolish as it seems, 

And as impractical as it feels,

In the depths of mind where thoughts are creep,

Separate kind of burial, silent and deep.


Mostly driven by a purpose,

But wanders by numerous  burdens, thoughts, 

And individual seeking for an essence,

Where the sole purpose comes together.


Just as the flesh getting eaten up,

As once existence slowly fading, 

One;s sole purpose too starting fading, 

When its thought from which you are actually being buried. 


Just as soul sitting still,

While it's being rested for what it feels like eternity, 

One’s ability is too settled down,

By the momentum of one thought.