
Student Corner

A Book Review

Written by: Aayaan Rai - 31006, Grade VI

Posted on: 17 July, 2024

Title: Fantasy Adventures 360
Genre: Fantasy
Author: Diya Sapkota

About The Book:
The book Fantasy Adventures 360 is a fantasy book written by an eleven-year-old kid named Diya Sapkota. 


Chapter 1: A potion to remember
A potion to remember is the first chapter of the book. There is a girl called Maya Rana. She won the Science Competition. As her parents were out because of some work, she could freely use the laboratory. She wanted to make a potion. She mixed together a feather of a phoenix, hair of a unicorn, pollen from a snowdrop, some dust from an igneous rock, and finally a rainbow flower. She drank the potion and woke up surrounded by giant insects. She was warmly welcomed. But they saw a shadow in the corner and every insect ran away. It was a giant tarantula. Maya kicked the spider on its belly and saved the kingdom. She drank the potion with the help of the insects and came back to her normal size.

Chapter 2: Giving Up Gadgets
The main character of the chapter Giving Up Gadgets is Monica. She is a screen-addicted girl whose favourite game to play is Amazon Adventures. She plays it so long that she gets asleep without her knowing. She wakes up and tells her mom to bring food. She gets no reply. She again says she has a headache. But no reply again. She went downstairs and no one was there. Suddenly, everything turns dark. She runs away to the door but she bumps into the sink of the toilet. The sound of running water is heard by her but she cannot hear it. She cries. Suddenly, her mother wakes her up. Her mom said that her dream means she should not spend time playing games. From that day, Monica stops spending her time playing games and she does everything she could do to get full marks in exams and friends stop calling her ‘Zero’.

Chapter 3: Smart Wings 360
Once, there lived a girl named Angel. Her parents made a flying machine for her on her birthday. She and her father tested it. She was a little confused on the controls but after practising she became a master at it. Her parents let her fly around out of the house. She meets some magical talking birds who take her in their kingdom. They make her the queen. Angel gets missing for a week and her parents make themselves spare wings to fly with. Angel gets lost on the way but luckily meets her parents. She takes her parents to the kingdom where all the birds bow to them. Angel claims that day to be the best day ever.

Chapter 4: My Hero
The narrator finds a dog covered in blood and scar with aggressive dogs around. She takes the dog to a nearby vet. She named the dog Luna because of the moon-like mark on the dog’s cheek. The narrator takes Luna home with her and takes good care of her. One night, the door opened and a thief broke into the house. The narrator’s dad comes to beat the thief but the thief pulled out a gun and pointed it at her dad. Luna comes barking and bites the thief's leg. The thief falls down and the narrator’s mom picks up the gun and points at the thief until the police department comes. The narrator’s community claims Luna to be a hero.

Chapter 5: Magic Shoes
The narrator was walking down the streets when she saw a ballerina shoes which were in a bad state. As no one bought it, the shoes pleaded with the narrator to buy it. The narrator took pity on it and bought the shoes after convincing her mom. She takes the shoes home and tries doing some ballet steps. She was confident enough to take part in a ballet competition. She won the audition and the battles and therefore was promoted to the finale. But, on the day of the finale, the narrator’s mother threw the magic shoes and bought her a normal pair. The narrator’s mom explained that it is not about magic but about her skills. The narrator was sure that she would lose the finale. She went to the stage and performed. When it was time for the results of the competition, the narrator closed her eyes as she was very nervous. But, fortunately the narrator was the winner of the competition. One of the judges came to shake hands and the narrator immediately remembered her. She was the shopkeeper who sold the magic shoes to them.

Chapter 6: Aquaria, The Protector of The Seas
Lucy was a girl who loved the sea. She would tell the city people to stop harming the sea but they paid no heed. It was a common scene in the azul beach. There was a lot of trash on the beach. Once, Aquaria had a dream of her being a protector of the sea and its animals. She got two dolphins as pets which could breathe on land and shrink until they were the size when they could be in Aquaria’s pockets. Aquaria suddenly woke up. She thought it was real because she was sweaty. Then she saw something she could not believe. She saw the necklace she had in her dreams on her table. Then she saw something very astonishing. The two dolphins were at her door. They shrunk in her pockets then she started her duty. She wore her divine necklace. It became very bright which meant that the sea was in danger. She teleported to the sea and saw a man about to light his dynamite. She said the line “ Aquaria, The Protector Of The Seas”. A bright light illuminated the sea then water surrounded her. She splashed the water towards the cruel man who was scared and promised never to hurt the sea and its animals. Then she taught the animals of the sea to not eat plastic and other garbage. After her mission to protect the sea, she returned to her community who praised her for protecting the most important part of the earth.

Chapter 7: Weather Wishes
The narrator had a wish to be able to control the weather. Her family had problems on how to plant the crops. One day, the narrator’s dad listened to the radio and heard that there was a hurricane coming. The narrator’s parents were angry and had a dispute about it. The narrator went outside and lightning struck her. When she woke up she was in her bed lying. The hurricane had destroyed all the crops and only the seeds were left. She cried. Suddenly, rain started pouring down. She was happy that she could control the weather. The weather was sunny. Then, whenever there were any problems like hurricanes or tornadoes coming, she would stop them by her power. One day, when the narrator was watering her crops with rain, some neighbours spotted it and insisted she stop. The villagers said they would have to kill her as she was a monster. The narrator’s mom explained to the villagers that she was the one protecting them from hurricanes and tornadoes. The villagers were not convinced and insisted the narrator's family leave the village. The narrator’s family moved to the new village. But one day, their old village’s villagers came to their house to protect them from drought. The narrator went there immediately and cried because of seeing the destruction. The villagers understood that the narrator was just growing her crops and protecting the village from weather disasters. They happily welcomed the family and happily stayed with them.

Chapter 8: Journey to the Victorian Era
The narrator was happy that she could go to her aunt’s house. Her aunt was a very rich person. Her house was so beautiful that it looked like a palace. The narrator explored the house excitedly and went to one room that was more unique than the other rooms. There was a painting of the Victorian Era. She touched the painting. She was astonished when her hand went through it. She threw herself at the painting and found herself amidst people wearing vintage clothes and shops everywhere. She was in the Victorian Era. Then, an officer called her and asked why she was wearing goofy clothes. The narrator told the officer that she bought it from that corner’s shop. The officer didn’t believe her and chased her. She saw the painting and threw herself at it again. She fell on her aunt’s house’s room and she would never forget this journey.