
Student Corner


Written by: Kristina Rai - 27006, Grade X

Posted on: 15 July, 2024

The pages dances looking past the starry midnight

The silence of the night echos searching for its own voice

A poetry is what they say.


The easel holds the empty canvas of hope

The hope of getting painted by the grace of 7 billion in one stroke

A painting is what they see.


The elegant leotards and pointe shoes hums its own melody

Swirling across accentuating the beautiful ballerina

A ballet is what they say.


The birds chirps in its own elegancy and so does people

Together they form music to ears, to heal one’s soul

A song is what they hear.


Between 7 billion souls who seek for peace and comfort

Beauty seeks for everyone and so does life

Behind thousand words of sorrows and joys.


Take a pen or paint brush and move along the words and the stroke

The life will reveal its own collection of poems and colors

And that is how living becomes one’s art.