
Student Corner


Written by: Kritish Chhetri - 30045, Grade VII

Posted on: 19 June, 2024

Football is an international game which is played by almost all the countries. The main event of football is the World Cup. In the World Cup, there are usually 36 teams. Each of the teams are divided into 9 groups. The next World Cup is going to be held in Mexico, Canada and the USA. There are many rules that have to be followed during a football match. There are many skills in this game, like: passing, shooting, controlling, trevalla, rabona, rainbow flip etc. In football, there are many leagues. They are the English Premier League, La Liga, League 1, Serie A, Eredivisie, Serie A (Serie of Brazil), Premiere Liga. There are many awards like Ballon Do'r, Golden Boot, etc. In a football team, there are eleven players, out of which is a goalkeeper who saves the ball shot by the opponent.