
Student Corner

How I Spent My Dashain Vacation

Written by: Aavash Manandhar - 29070, Grade VIII

Posted on: 18 June, 2024

The Dashain holiday last year was the best ten days of my life as my parents had to go out for work for nine nights and ten days. It was a bit sad because we couldn’t celebrate Dashain, but for the 10 days, we mostly spent time playing games on mobile phones. My parents were tour guides and a group of 30 Japanese tourists had come to Nepal to visit many places. I also wanted to go with them, but there were too many people, so I couldn’t go. I was left at home with my 65-year-old paternal aunt and my sister. My sister didn’t agree to stop using mobile phones, but eventually she agreed. After agreeing to stop using mobile phones, we decided to cook, clean the house, and solve crossword and Sudoku puzzles, trying to engage ourselves in some productive activities. Then, I rested and went out to eat in various places. Sometimes we went to Happy Land, sometimes we ate at fancy restaurants. The most beautiful place I visited was Godavari. I slept for two hours there and then played football for some time. Everything was going well until my father called me around 2:00 at night to tell me he would return in a few days, which meant all the fun was over. So, when he didn’t return home, it felt like we hadn’t had fun at all. On the ninth day, I thought to myself that all my fun had ended, and now I had to stop wasting time. So, I decided to use my time for studies, because my second-term exams were getting closer every day. Therefore, on the tenth day, I woke up early in the morning, collected my notes, and reviewed all the things I had learned so far. I also prepared my books and assignments for the next day’s class. When my parents returned home, they were surprised to see that my room was clean and tidy, and they praised me for studying. Overall, my Dashain vacation went very well, and it was the best ten days of my life.