
Student Corner

Women Empowerment

Written by: Shreyasa Dangol - 30032, Grade VII

Posted on: 17 June, 2024

Women empowerment refers to women making their own decisions for themselves. Previously, women were not allowed to go to school nor could they go outside. They were engaged in household chores only. They were not allowed to wear clothes of their own choice. They were not allowed to work in offices.

But nowadays, women are allowed to go to school and they can go outside whenever they want. They can go to the office and they are not engaged in just household chores nowadays. They can do everything they want to, and also, they can wear whatever clothes they want. 

Due to women empowerment, they are now free to make their own decisions.

It helped them to do or participate in all those works that are only said to be reserved for men. There are various factors that help empower women. Some of them are given below:

  1. Every girl should be provided education.
  2. Every girl/woman must be given equal opportunity in every field and they must be equally paid
  3. Child marriage should be stopped.