
Student Corner

Monster in The Closet

Written by: Aadhya Shri Poudel - 30001, Grade VII

Posted on: 10 June, 2024

Once upon a time, in a small town, lived an 11-year-old girl named Lily. She had curly brown hair and loved reading books about brave adventurers. But despite her fascination with courage, Lily had one big fear: the monster in her closet. Every night, as the sun dipped below the horizon, Lily's room turned into a scary place. Shadows danced on the walls, and every creak of the house made her heart race. She was convinced a terrible monster lived in her closet, waiting to pounce the moment she fell asleep. One evening, Lily’s mom tucked her into bed and noticed her worried expression. “What’s wrong, sweetie?” she asked. “There’s a monster in my closet, Mom. I’m scared,” Lily confessed, her voice trembling. Her mom smiled gently and said, “You know, Lily, there’s a famous saying: ‘The only thing we have to fear is fear itself.’ It means that sometimes, being scared is the scariest part. Maybe the monster isn't real at all, but your fear is making it seem real.” She decided she was tired of being afraid. Grabbing her flashlight, she took a deep breath and tiptoed toward the closet. Her heart pounded like a drum, but she reminded herself of her mom’s words. Slowly, she opened the closet door and shined her flashlight inside. To her surprise, there was no monster, just her clothes, some toys, and a pile of books she’d forgotten about. She felt a wave of relief and giggled a little at how silly her fear had been. The next day at school, Lily told her best friend, Sarah, about her adventure. Sarah had her own fears too, and they made a pact to face them together. They even started a “Bravery Club” where they encouraged other kids to confront their fears, no matter how big or small. From that night on, Lily slept peacefully, knowing she had conquered her fear. She learned that sometimes, the scariest thing is not the monster in the closet, but the fear in our minds. And with a little courage, we can turn on the light and chase those fears away.